Collecting Debts from Unpaid Federal Employees During Government Shutdown
The federal government shutdown has affected hundreds of thousands of federal government employees who are either being furloughed or forced to work without pay. The employees have already missed paychecks and will continue to miss them as long as the shutdown continues. Without the pay, some employees may not make their regular debt payments. Creditors must decide how aggressive they want to be in collecting debts from federal employees while the shutdown is ongoing.
Working with Debtors
Several federal agencies have asked creditors to be lenient with federal employees who owe debts. Following previous government shutdowns, many federal employees have received back pay for what they should have earned during the shutdown. Assuming that the current shutdown ends soon, the employees could have enough money to make up for missed debt payments. Some creditors may modify their agreements with debtors, extending the length of time that the debtor has to repay the loan in exchange for increased interest or other fees. Though there is risk involved, creditors who show patience towards federal employees may still be able to receive the money owed to them while maintaining a good relationship with the debtors.
Taking Action
The current government shutdown is already the longest on record, and there is no certain sign of it ending soon. Creditors can be patient after one missed payment, but multiple missed payments mean that the debtor may be in default of the debt. When deciding how aggressive to be with a debtor, a creditor should consider whether the debtor:
- Has a history of missing payments;
- Is attempting to cooperate with the creditor;
- Has any money in reserve to continue making payments; or
- Is an independent contractor with the federal government, meaning that he or she is unlikely to receive back pay.
Filing a lawsuit may be a creditor’s best option if the debtor is unlikely or unable stay current on his or her debts, even after the shutdown has ended.
Contact a Chicago Creditor’s Rights Attorney
Federal government employees cannot control when the government shutdown will end and whether they will be compensated for their missed pay. They may think it is unfair for you to expect them to continue making loan payments, but you risk losing the money that is owed to you if you allow them to skip payments. A Chicago debt collection lawyer at Dimand Walinski Law Offices, P.C., can advise you on how to handle federal employee debtors during the shutdown. To schedule a consultation, call 312-704-0771.